Press Releases

September 19, 2017

Oelwein Police are investigating a Theft Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of Burglary, at 5:58 p.m., on September 19, 2017 from the 100 block of Lincoln Drive. This incident remains under investigation.


On September 19, 2017 at 10:38 p.m., Oelwein Officers performed a traffic stop in the 1500 block of South Frederick in Oelwein.  Officers cited Logan James Druecker, age 18, of Oelwein for Driving While License Suspended.

Veteran's Home Fundraiser!

Join Us Thursday Evening!!

The Oelwein Police Department in cooperation with OCAD is hosting a fundraiser for the Iowa Veteran's Home this Thursday, September 21st from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Party in the Park Style!
Live music by Drivel. Food vendors, games for kids and adults as well as prizes! Give-a-ways of a LED TV, a wooden American flag, four tickets to UNI volleyball, a Williams Center membership and more! There will also be a silent auction for 1) An authentic autographed Fergie Jenkins Chicago Cubs jersey 2) An authentic autographed index card by Chicago Bears Walter Payton 3) An authentic NFL football with transfer signatures from the 2016 Green Bay Packers team.
Come out and enjoy a "Party in the Park" and support our veteran's!


September 15, 2017

 Oelwein Police Department investigated a motor vehicle accident in the 100 block 1st st se. A Silver 2011 Dodge Avenger driven by Tina Zubrod struck a pole while backing



Oelwein Police are investigating a Burglary Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of Burglary, at 11:21p.m., on September 15, 2017 from the 1100 block 1st av sw. This incident remains under investigation.

September 14, 2017

Oelwein Police are investigating a Theft Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of a Theft, at 3:29 p.m., on September 14, 2017 from the 100 block 8th av ne. This incident remains under investigation.

 On September 14, 2017 at 10:12 p.m. Oelwein Police arrested Kaleb James Huffman, 18, of Oelwein.  Huffman was arrested and charged with Theft 5th Degree- Simple Misdemeanor.  This arrest followed an incident in the 10 block 1st av se.


Oelwein Police are investigating a Criminal Mischief Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of a Criminal Mischief, at 0649 a.m., on September 15, 2017 from the 800 block West Charles. This incident remains under investigation.

September 11,2017

On September 11, 2017 at 10:25 p.m., Oelwein Officers performed a traffic stop in the 10 block of 2nd Street SE in Oelwein.  Officers cited Skuyler Jamel Ellington, age 27, of Oelwein for Driving While License Suspended.

September 10, 2017

At 12:16 p.m., on September 9, 2017 Oelwein Police arrested William Joseph Newton, 24, of Oelwein.  Newton was arrested on a Fayette County Warrant for Probation Violation on original Charges of Burglary 2nd degree and False Imprisonment.  This incident took place after and officer’s interaction with the subject in the 100 block of 13th av se.

 Oelwein Police Department investigated a motor vehicle accident in the 2600 block South Frederick Avenue. A Black 2012 Chevrolet Impala driven by Christina Hartley struck a deer. 

September7, 2017

Oelwein Police are investigating a Theft Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of a Theft, at 5:10 p.m., on September 5, 2017 from the 1300 block of South Frederick Avenue. This incident remains under investigation.



Oelwein Police are investigating a Criminal Mischief Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of a Criminal Mischief, at 12:02 p.m., on Sept 6, 2017 from the 100 block of East Charles. This incident remains under investigation.


On September 7, 2017 at 5:49 a.m., Oelwein Police arrested Sarah Jayne Moore, 27, of Oelwein. Moor was arrested and charged with Theft 5th Degree-Simple Misdemeanor.  This arrest followed and incident in the 100 block 8th av nw.

Oelwein Police to Recieve National Award

The Oelwein Police Department recently received notice that they will receive national and global recognition for their community policing and community engagement efforts.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Cisco Systems has selected the Oelwein Police Department as the 2017 Leaders in Community Policing Award recipient. This award category is given to one department, nationally, that has a community population of less than 20,000.

Since 1998, the IACP's Community Policing Committee has recognized outstanding community policing initiatives undertaken by law enforcement agencies worldwide through the annual IACP/CISCO Leadership in Community Policing Award, sponsored by Cisco Systems. 

The award identifies and rewards best practices in community policing by recognizing police organizations that use the power of collaboration and partnerships to make local, national, and global communities safer from crime. 

The winners provide a model for improved police services on issues that are specific to individual communities but are valuable for all communities around the world.

"We are honored to receive this prestigious award," states Chief Jeremy Logan. "We have a great team here that really goes above and beyond to be active in our community and to develop relationships that build community trust."

The department will officially receive the award later in October of this year. "I could not be more proud that our staff is receiving this type of acknowledgement and to know that our efforts and programs are among the best in the country," advised Chief Logan. "This award further drives home the foundation of our community engagement program entitled "ONE", where we believe that one gesture, one action, one effort, one person, one team and one community can make a difference. We encourage everyone to be that difference."

August 28,2017

On August 28, 2017 at 6:10 p.m., Oelwein Officers arrested Samuel Joseph Overton, age 19 of Oelwein for a Fayette County Sheriff's warrant with original charges of Burglary 3rd and Theft 2nd.



August 27, 2017

Oelwein Police are investigating a Criminal Mischief Complaint.  Oelwein Police received a report of a Criminal Mischief, at 4:00 a.m., on August 27, 2017 from the 800 block of North Frederick Avenue. This incident remains under investigation.

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